
I love this- I totally used to sleep that way too when I was a wee lad.

Bad case of bed head.

Happy kids making our weekly batch of cookies.

Pretty stoked to get her hands on some cookie dough. Love her!

I have a picture of David at this same age doing this same thing! Guess there's something about being 1 that makes you think you can
operate something a thousand times your size.

Not just driving...but making the "
vroom" sound too!

Yup- those days have begun. -Never know how naked we'll find her in the morning!

My happy little 4 year old proudly showing off his 5 dollar bill from Great Grandma
Gossling! (I have a picture of Jason at around the same age holding money from his birthday too. Guess the
acorn doesn't fall far from the tree!)

David's birthday cake(per request). K, so it wasn't that great to begin with- but I worked hard on it... when it melted in the September heat I almost collapsed and started bawling!! Don't worry, I stayed composed but it really was kind of tragic. I mean, if you were 4 would you want a piece of that? Scary.

Well, apparently
they didn't care about the one-eyed
Spiderman cause they were pretty excited to partake.

Success blowing out the candles.

Just so glad to be 4!

In September, we went to Colorado to see our good friends Robby and Julie get sealed in the Temple(more pics to come of that soon)and while we were there we went to Ft.
Logan to visit the
grave site of Jason's Dad at the Veteran's
cemetery. It was emotional and the kids weren't cooperating for the picture but we wanted them to remember that we went there.

grave site of Grandpa David

Row of flags at Ft.
Logan Cemetery. It's a very powerful place to visit.

Emily told me that her baby needed to go potty- and then I saw her doing this! Made me chuckle!

Hey- it's always a good time for a snack. Hershey's Cinnamon chips anyone?
David had a field trip to the Fire Station in September. He thought it was pretty cool to see "real-life fire trucks"!

In his glory!

Taking a turn at the big hose.

Classic Emily.

So why can't it be a ride toy? I totally fit!

David's new friend at Pumpkin Land.

Oh man, I just love these two little rascals!

Inside the big wooden pumpkin at Pumpkin Land.

One Saturday afternoon in October we took the kids to Gardner Village. It was such a fun afternoon. Lots of witches, cool weather and a caramel apple!

Daddy and Em at Gardner Village.

I. LOVE. THIS. PICTURE! It just makes me laugh when I see it! Batman and a goofy little witch!

When we went trunk or treating Emily would ONLY take the suckers!


Need I say anything about this?? It's just priceless!!! I love every. single. thing. about this picture!!

I did NOT initiate this AT ALL. She just decided it was time, I guess. Yeah- I quickly put a stop to that (I'm in no rush to jump on the potty training bus, it's not a fun ride). During her day of free potty hopping (you know- up, down, up, down, trying out every toilet in the house and moving the mini potty from room to room) I took a few snap shots to capture the fun! Hey- you never can have too much toilet paper. Gotta make sure you've got a good stash going. (And no. She never actually went that day.)

Practice makes perfect, right?!

Yes. David was a pilgrim for a day, at least in his cute little world. He was very proud of this hat.

Helping Mom make pies for Thanksgiving. He was just making sure we didn't leave ANY in the bowl to go to waste.

It's hard work getting it all IN her mouth.

Just sampling a morsal of deep-fried turkey goodness.

He cherry-picked this turkey leg. And he seriously ate every last tid-bit off that bone. He was happy as a clam!
Hooray for an update... keep it up girl! :)
Lindy, you are so freaking beautiful. Loved the post. :)
I think my favorite pic is David eating that huge turkey leg, love that kid!
Lindy, your kids are friekin cute, your hair looks hot and your glasses look so good on you. I love it all! Miss you and love you tons. Tell Jason hi!
Cute! I can't believe how old Emily is. We need to get together soon. When's David in school?
how have i never seen this until now!!!??? first things first- you said you were a wee little lad----don't you mean lass??? i'm just sayin...
em wiping her parts is HILARIOUS and i love every part of that post! what cutest kiddies you have!
love them! love you!
Looks like lots of fun!
Found your blog through Lisa's. Great pictures! Your kids are adorable, your cake looks awesome and, as a former Bostonian, can relate to missing those New England autumns!
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