Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Cute Little "Baby Sisser"

Emily is growing so fast and getting cuter everyday. She battles colic in the evening time but is otherwise doing well. I will admit that I find this two kid thing a bit challenging but I certainly wouldn't trade her for anything. She melts my heart! David now loves that he is a big brother. His favorite job is to help me by putting her binky back in her mouth when she's fussy. He loves to look at her and talk to her. He still can't figure out why she never responds so he gets right in her face and repeats himself thinking it must be because she didn't hear him. It cracks me up! I keep telling him she'll be more fun when she gets bigger. My favorite is when I get Emily dressed for the day, put a bow in her hair and David sees her and says "Aww! How tute!"

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

David and his silliness...

Like always David is keeping us busy and entertained! I just don't know where he comes up with some of the things he does and says. I always think it is so cute when he gets a bump or a scrape and he asks me to kiss it -until today when he ran into the kitchen and demanded "kiss my bum!" Then tonight after playing in his room he came to me and said "Mommy, my fire truck is broken. I need some batteries and a screw driver!" He is such a riot! Here are some of the silly (and naughty)things he's done lately.
If you can't tell what that is all over David's room it's baby powder. He had to have a bath and every surface had to be vacuumed. I will say that his room smelled quite pleasant for a few days and now every time we run the vacuum cleaner the smell of powder permeates our house all over again!

Well, here he is a week later at his best friend Greyson's house. Apparently he thought it was about time he showed him the ropes. Greyson is a year younger so when they play together David thinks he is the head chief. Oh dear, the things he teaches him. An hour previous to this picture David got the Peanut butter out of the pantry and they were both digging it out with their fists. It was everywhere including all over the creme colored chenille chair in Greyson's room. Thank you Mel for still loving us!

David can't figure out why he can't sit in Emily's cool chair like she does.

Looks like somebody wasn't ready to wake up yet!

After getting off the phone with my sister I went to find what mischief David found (yes, I expect it now) and this is what he was doing. Playing in the flour and obviously having a great time!

Finger painting in the flour...oh, what fun!

Whenever David talks on the phone he walks around the house going from room to room talking about anything and everything. It's so funny to see him mimic mine and Jason's behavior. Guess we better be careful!

When I walked in David's room and saw this I couldn't not take a picture. He's such a goof! If you're wondering about the band aid on his head it's there because we're FINALLY getting the boo boo healed that's been there for the last 2 months. We figured if we kept it covered 24/7 than he couldn't pick at it anymore. It worked!

Fun in the snow!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Emily Noelle Skinrood

Baby sister is here! Emily was born on December 21st at 8:46pm. With only a half hour of pushing I was surprised to learn that she weighed 10 lbs and 2oz!! She was only 19 inches long so you know she packs on the chunk! We love her so much and David has begun to adjust to sharing Mom and Dad. I wouldn't say he was Emily's biggest fan at first but he has since grown to be very concerned about her. He keeps me constantly updated on whether she is happy or sad! Emily did spend 5 days in the NICU due to Jaundice, low blood sugar, and she needed a little oxygen. She is still on oxygen but she can take small breaks from it which is when I took most of these pictures. She is doing very well and we hope she'll be off the oxygen within the next couple of weeks. It is fun to watch her grow and get stronger everyday. If you ask Jason and I- we think we make dang cute kids!! But if you're wondering who Emily looks like it is definitely her big brother! Some of their baby pictures look identical. Emily has two dimples, one on each cheek, chubby legs, a cute little nose and pretty, full lips. She is adorable!