Thursday, July 15, 2010

Going, Going, Gone....

*What?? Two posts in one day? I’m on a roll! After getting caught up on the last 6 months I realized I really wanted to document Emily’s tonsillectomy. It was only 3 days ago and she was so brave.*
My baby got her tonsils out- finally. She did an amazing job with the whole thing. I am so proud of her. We had been talking to her for a while trying to prepare her but with her little 2 yr old mind I wasn't sure how much she was really understanding. I took her to the hospital to their little tour so she could get familiar with things there. I think that helped. They gave her a doll with a little hospital gown on and they let her draw the face on. She loves it(I personally find it a bit scary, but whatever.). They told her several times that she got to eat lots and lots of Popsicles so she was sure at that point that this was going to be a pretty sweet deal! After the surgery was over the doctor came out and told us all had gone well. Dr. Heras said that her condition had been life threatening. She said Emily's adenoids were so huge they were touching and completely blocking her nasal passage. Scary!!! She said if Emily would have gotten an especially bad cold she could have died. She already had sleep apnea and that would have just complicated things. I'm so glad it's over and done and to know now that she can sleep undisturbed and safely has given me much peace of mind. Seeing her coming out of the anesthesiology was probably the most entertaining part of the day. She was like a little drunk 2 yr. old. It was hilarious! By mid afternoon she was feeling great. We spent quite a while walking the halls. She found a little bike in the toy room and was peddling her little legs as fast as they could go while I ran behind her with her IV pole!!! I'm so mad I didn't get a picture of that. We are on the 3rd day out from surgery now and we're already counting down to when we can resume normal activity. She hasn't liked being held back from the things she wants to do. She's been begging all day "Let's go, mom!!". She's got cabin fever!
Excuse her messy face and shirt on inside out and backwards- she dressed herself that day!

Eeew! Poor thing. The days of my little Darth Vader are about to come to an end.

I bought her this new outfit with Minnie Mouse(one of her current obsessions)to wear on the day of her surgery. She was so excited to finally wear it!

So stinking cute! She was happy as a little clam that morning and looking so beautiful to me. It was breaking my heart thinking about what she was about to have to endure and knowing that she was still pretty clueless about it.

Showing her "pretty"(yikes) hospital doll to the receptionist.

Not happy that I just told her we have to take the Minnie shirt off and change into her surgery clothes.

The sadness was short-lived. This might be the cutest thing I've ever seen. Such a little squirt in her "hospital dress"!

I just love her. Soon after this they took her for surgery. I bawled my eyes out and then in 40 minutes it was over. She's a champ, this little gal. As I am typing this I'm listening to the sweet and unusually quiet sound of her napping. Consistent breaths with no apnea. Music to my ears!


The Carlson Chronicles said...

Wow--Ryan has unusually large tonsils as well. No surgery planned as of yet, but I have a feeling we will be doing the same one of these days.

McLerran Family said...

I had no idea she was getting her tonsils out. Sad! She does look way cute in that hospital gown! Hope she continues to feel better!

lramey said...

oh she looks sooo cute in pre-surgery duds!!! and i love that gown- it was my favorite on Sawyer too- and how did I never know Dr. Heras was who you were going to? that's who put in Sawyer's tubes!!! good times!!!