So for the first time we did Thanksgiving at our house this year. We established our first Skinrood family tradition by having a "southern Thanksgiving". Jason fried the turkey of course, and I made the corn bread! Jason's mom and her husband joined us along with Jason's cousin Valerie. We had lots of fun and lots of yummy food. It was a nice day just spending time with family.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
...Someone's in BIG trouble!!
David actually turned 2 in September but wow, did he ever start to show it last weekend. It was literally one thing after another. Trouble, trouble, and more trouble! It started last Friday night when he was being naughty at the dinner table. Every bite we would give him he would promptly spit right back out. We sent him to his room for a time out and assumed that he really did go to his room. Jason and I were just eating our dinner and discussing our next move with him when Jason jumped up and went running because he heard something. Instead of going to his room David had gone into Jason's office and grabbed his wallet down off of the ironing board. He had pulled every one of Jason's credit cards , including his debit card and his Costco membership card and had sent each of them through the shredder! Yup-every single one-in pieces! What a little turkey! We were so mad but we kind of couldn't help but see some humor in it. Jason ordered all new cards and has since had them all replaced.
On Sunday morning while getting ready for church David somehow got a hold of two of Jason's brass collar stays. We heard him screaming and found that he had stuck them both in an outlet. His hand was black, the outlet was black, the collar stays were warped , and the electricity had been shorted. Although we were mad and stunned that he had done such a thing we were very relieved that he had not been seriously hurt. We figured he probably got a good shock but we also figured that that would probably be what keeps him from doing it again...nope! The other day we caught him trying to put Jason's truck key in the same outlet!
Then on Monday morning I laid down for a bit after breakfast while David was watching his shows on the Disney channel. After a few minutes Jason came in and told me that David had been dumping sugar into the dishwasher! When I went out to calculate the damage I found him in the pantry closet taking sugar from the bag with a measuring cup, dumping it into his toy bucket and then taking it to the dishwasher and filling every compartment he could find! I had to scoop out the sugar with a spoon, vacuum out the rest, and then run the dishwasher twice to clean it out.
David is obviously obsessed with all things electrical and he's also obsessed with cooking and cleaning. It is a regular occurrence to find that he has dragged the vacuum cleaner out of the closet and plugged it in. Or he has emptied out two packs of baby wipes this week and I find him wiping down the walls and outlets with the wipes. One swipe with one wipe and then it's on to a new wipe! I have also caught him with a spray bottle many times spraying down the computer, the keyboard and the outlets in Jason's office! Amazingly, so far, the computer has lived through it and so has David!
That's just some of the latest of a day in the life of David. All of you with two year olds...God bless!
On Sunday morning while getting ready for church David somehow got a hold of two of Jason's brass collar stays. We heard him screaming and found that he had stuck them both in an outlet. His hand was black, the outlet was black, the collar stays were warped , and the electricity had been shorted. Although we were mad and stunned that he had done such a thing we were very relieved that he had not been seriously hurt. We figured he probably got a good shock but we also figured that that would probably be what keeps him from doing it again...nope! The other day we caught him trying to put Jason's truck key in the same outlet!
Then on Monday morning I laid down for a bit after breakfast while David was watching his shows on the Disney channel. After a few minutes Jason came in and told me that David had been dumping sugar into the dishwasher! When I went out to calculate the damage I found him in the pantry closet taking sugar from the bag with a measuring cup, dumping it into his toy bucket and then taking it to the dishwasher and filling every compartment he could find! I had to scoop out the sugar with a spoon, vacuum out the rest, and then run the dishwasher twice to clean it out.
David is obviously obsessed with all things electrical and he's also obsessed with cooking and cleaning. It is a regular occurrence to find that he has dragged the vacuum cleaner out of the closet and plugged it in. Or he has emptied out two packs of baby wipes this week and I find him wiping down the walls and outlets with the wipes. One swipe with one wipe and then it's on to a new wipe! I have also caught him with a spray bottle many times spraying down the computer, the keyboard and the outlets in Jason's office! Amazingly, so far, the computer has lived through it and so has David!
That's just some of the latest of a day in the life of David. All of you with two year olds...God bless!

So you might think it strange that David has a pink binkie...yes, we do too! I had tucked it away in case of an emergency and of course the day came when his blue binkie was no where to be found and I was forced to pull it out. It was love at first sight. He knew from the start that it was different from the others. He calls it "his pink!" You also might notice the scab on his forhead in this picture -well, he dug himself by mistake at least two weeks ago and he has now become obsessed with this boo-boo. He picks at it CONSTANTLY and whenever he passes a mirror he examins it very closely just to pick at it some more. I swear he's going to have a scar there for life. His latest trick is to sit there and pick it right in front of me and while he's doing it he'll be looking at me saying "Don't pick it!" I think I might have to start putting socks on his hands!
Big Boy Bed

Last week we moved David to a big boy bed in preparation for the new baby. Apparently he wasn't a huge fan because these pictures are of the first day-nap time and bed time. I'm not sure why he thinks the table or the floor is more comfortable than the bed but it took him a while to warm up to the new arrangement. He's doing better now but we still find him keeled over on the floor having fallen asleep while looking at books or sometimes he just prefers to have his nap on a hard surface rather than a soft comfy bed. He cracks me up. I would have to say my least favorite part of this transition has been that he is now free to get up in the morning whenever (or however early) he wants to come in our room saying "Mommy! I hungary!" Oh how I love mornings!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Trip to Pumpkin Land
A couple of weeks ago David and I went on a little trip down the road to Pumpkin Land. We had so much fun! There were huge pumpkins, a corn maze, animals to pet, and lots of room to run around! The weather was awesome- overcast and cool, just how I love it! I am so glad fall is here, i wish it would last all year round!
Friday, October 19, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Oh, the funny things he says...
The other day I snuck into the bathroom while David was playing. When he realized I had disappeared he came running into the bedroom yelling "Mommy! Mommy go?" I opened the bathroom door a bit and said "David, Mommy's right here, I'm just in the bathroom." He came running to the bathroom door and flung it open saying "Oh Mommy! ...Mommy go pee-poos!"
Jason's quite proud of his little "metro" these days! Lately everyday after we get David dressed for the day he runs into the bathroom and opens Jason's toiletry drawer. He grabs Jason's cologne and insists Jason spray him with it. He calls it "smells"! After the cologne he runs to Jason's nightstand and gets Jason's "cha-tic" (chap stick) and smears it all over his lips. After this he finally feels ready for the day. I guess he's seen Jason get ready for school a few times!
The other night I went to check on David in the night. When I walked in he happened to be rolling over and he looked up and saw me. He sat right up and said "...Mommy- I hungry! I have chicken?!"
David has gotten quite good at pretending lately. Recently he decided it was fun to share his food with his stuffed gorilla - Arthur (his best little buddy). When he felt like Arthur wasn't eating the Cheerios he so graciously gave him he shoved the Cheerios at Arthur's mouth and yelled forcefully "EAT IT!!" Hmm...guess he's heard that somewhere before!
Last weekend we went to Colorado for a visit. While we were there we went to David's cousin's soccer game. After the game ended we were walking to the car and we passed by a woman smoking. When David saw her and the smoke trickling up from the cigarette he pointed and yelled " HOT!!" We all about fell over laughing!
Jason's quite proud of his little "metro" these days! Lately everyday after we get David dressed for the day he runs into the bathroom and opens Jason's toiletry drawer. He grabs Jason's cologne and insists Jason spray him with it. He calls it "smells"! After the cologne he runs to Jason's nightstand and gets Jason's "cha-tic" (chap stick) and smears it all over his lips. After this he finally feels ready for the day. I guess he's seen Jason get ready for school a few times!
The other night I went to check on David in the night. When I walked in he happened to be rolling over and he looked up and saw me. He sat right up and said "...Mommy- I hungry! I have chicken?!"
David has gotten quite good at pretending lately. Recently he decided it was fun to share his food with his stuffed gorilla - Arthur (his best little buddy). When he felt like Arthur wasn't eating the Cheerios he so graciously gave him he shoved the Cheerios at Arthur's mouth and yelled forcefully "EAT IT!!" Hmm...guess he's heard that somewhere before!
Last weekend we went to Colorado for a visit. While we were there we went to David's cousin's soccer game. After the game ended we were walking to the car and we passed by a woman smoking. When David saw her and the smoke trickling up from the cigarette he pointed and yelled " HOT!!" We all about fell over laughing!
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