Monday, November 19, 2007

So you might think it strange that David has a pink binkie...yes, we do too! I had tucked it away in case of an emergency and of course the day came when his blue binkie was no where to be found and I was forced to pull it out. It was love at first sight. He knew from the start that it was different from the others. He calls it "his pink!" You also might notice the scab on his forhead in this picture -well, he dug himself by mistake at least two weeks ago and he has now become obsessed with this boo-boo. He picks at it CONSTANTLY and whenever he passes a mirror he examins it very closely just to pick at it some more. I swear he's going to have a scar there for life. His latest trick is to sit there and pick it right in front of me and while he's doing it he'll be looking at me saying "Don't pick it!" I think I might have to start putting socks on his hands!

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