Monday, November 19, 2007

Big Boy Bed

Last week we moved David to a big boy bed in preparation for the new baby. Apparently he wasn't a huge fan because these pictures are of the first day-nap time and bed time. I'm not sure why he thinks the table or the floor is more comfortable than the bed but it took him a while to warm up to the new arrangement. He's doing better now but we still find him keeled over on the floor having fallen asleep while looking at books or sometimes he just prefers to have his nap on a hard surface rather than a soft comfy bed. He cracks me up. I would have to say my least favorite part of this transition has been that he is now free to get up in the morning whenever (or however early) he wants to come in our room saying "Mommy! I hungary!" Oh how I love mornings!


lramey said...

good bye sleeping in! Love your children--motto for life!

hknight said...

Oh I hope that he has warmed up to the Idea of a big boy bed! I just can't imagine him sleeping as good on the floor and other places!