Ok, so I have a lot of catching up to do. I'll apologize now for boring you to tears but I had to start where I left off...which was a loooong time ago. This is what we've been up to over the past few months...
In April:

A trip to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. David doing his impersonation of a shark.

Easter baskets for the kids. All their current favorite things: For David- Spider Man stuff, Cheetos, gum like Mommy's, Propel, and Jerky among other things. And for Emily- Animal Crackers, a new book, bunny ears, and croutons (yeah, its strange, but she loves them).

One of the only pics that turned out from Easter. The rest were blurry. Daddy and Emily in their Easter get-up. It was a bit windy.
Then in June:

Jason took David to the Air show at Hill Airforce Base. David thought the planes were "super cool"!! (And yes, he wore his cowboy hat! Jason said he got quite a lot of attention from the ladies! He loves that darn hat. We've started collecting things for his "cowboy" room for when we move into a house- if we could ever find one.)

David also had his first trip to the gun range with Dad. No- I don't completely think this is normal but he's got his Dad's blood in him because he absolutely loved it.

He felt pretty cool to go shooting with Dad.

Emily's new past time.

She was entertained for hours with these things!

Hey- candy comes in wrappers! How was she supposed to know?!

One Friday afternoon David and I were making cookies and it started to poor. I thought- oh what the heck lets be spontaneous and go play in it! So we danced in the rain! It was awesome. I know it sounds nerdy but I'll always remember it. The rain was warm and it smelled so good! It made a special memory.

David was being such a cute brother one day when he decided to set up a little picnic on the Dining room floor for he and Emily. They had a blast!

I had to wash Emily's "keek" (blanket) and I thought I was sneaky enough that she didn't notice until I found her in the laundry room watching it spin around and around.

She was not a happy camper!

Emily has kind of become the queen of crusty faces lately- but she does have the cutest little legs I've ever seen!

Jason and I thought it would be fun to take David to the Lehi Rodeo so he could see a real-life cowboy! He thought it was pretty cool. Emily, however, was not terribly entertained so we ended up having to leave early!
On to July:

My sweet little firecracker!

Waiting for the parade to start on the Fourth of July.

What's funny is that I told him to smile and this is what I got!

So excited to be eating Watermelon!

The other night we didn't have any clean pajamas for Emily so we had to put some of David's old ones on her. She thought she was hot stuff! She pranced around the house like she owned them! This is the face I get now when I tell her to say cheese!

...And lastly, we went up the canyon last weekend with some friends for dinner. Here's Emily with Daddy. He's the apple of her eye these days!

Dad and David cooking Brats on the fire.

The best things come to those who wait...

...100% satisfaction!!

Dirty, sticky Emily.

Me and my favorite guy...

...And me and my favorite kiddos!

I had to end with this picture. It's not a true S'more if you don't end up with marshmallow all over your face!
And people make fun of being a home-mom! Think what you would miss if the kids were in daycare all day! You'd miss 90% of their lives, that's what! So glad you can enjoy them Lindy, even though I know you have rough days. IT'S WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Enjoy them...they'll be gone before you know it! Love to all of you, MOM XX00
look at you all blogging!!! HOORAH!!!
now for a post of my own= you shooting guns=hot!
david's cowboy hat- darling
david shooting guns......all right! j/k
emily's new treat love-----get it Em!!
i LOVE that you guys played in the rain- it's the cutest thing EVER!!!!
poor emmy with her blankie in the wash- how sad
i too love her leggies
ah- you're so pretty- love the pics of you at the parade with the kids on the 4th! hmmmm..where's Jason? oh that's right....golf
love both of their cheese faces!
love david roasting his brat, and his mallow face!!he's awesome!!!
Looks like a super fun summer. Lots of great pictures. The cowboy hat suits Davey perfectly. Emily and David are adorable and you look great! Ummm...whatever happened to us getting together. Crazy how the weeks fly by and yet we still don't pull it together. We'll do it soon ok. If you want to come I'm meeting Kim Seamons at the park in SF for a picnic tomorrow. We just bumped into each other last week at the library and decided to do a planned one again this week.Hope to see you soon! Mary
Emily is getting soooo big! So you own a pistol, huh? I'll remember that next time I have the urge to mess with you.
Dang way to finally update the blog... I almost took you off my friends list..good thing I didnt..we should do lunch sometime with laura..maybe next week???
Lindy! I found your blog! I totally remember you guys playing in the rain. We were going somewhere and Tyson and I were both outside getting ready and I saw you both splashing your feet in the puddles. It was pretty cute.
Lind- So much to say! First that pic of you at the parade with your kids, you look SO pretty!!!! I LOVE the bangs!!! I love that David is just a cowboy gun shooting kid! It is just great, such a man at such a little age. Em is beautiful!!!!! You guys do so much fun stuff and I just love looking at it even if it takes months between updates it is worth it!
K I think I would have to say that my fav pic was the only of Emily in her brother bronco pjs... It made me laugh.. we do the same thing sometimes when Caitlynn runs out.. funny thing though.. they are the bronco ones that Ammon has grown out of too. I forget that both of our guys are from Co.
Cute Blog!
Emily looks sorown up in these pictures, even though I see her all the time. She just looks so grown up!
You are alive! I was seriously beginning to wonder if you were ever going to post again:)! That is how both of my girls are with their blankets, if it goes missing they both will sit by the washer and dryer until it comes out. Your kids are so cute Lyndy! And I love your hair darker with bangs so cute!
I loved the blog! It is so fun to catch up with you and see all of the fun things you have been up to. Way to be a GREAT mom! You are a great example to me! We need to get together sometime!
Hey! I have a new blog address! tyandkate2006.blogspot.com
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