Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Funny story of the day...

Last week Jason's Aunt and Uncle and Grandma came over for dinner. After they left I noticed Grandma had forgotten her cane. I put it in a corner and started to clean up the kitchen. A few minutes went by and I heard David getting into the pantry. I turned around and saw him with Grandma's cane. He was using it to hook things up high and pull them out to the edge of the shelf so he could get them down. I said "Oh no David! You can't play with Great Grandma's cane! She needs it!" (I don't really know why she uses it so I made it up) I said "She has to use it cause her leg hurts, so you can't break it." He looked at me intently, his eyes quickly shot off to the side and then back up at me and he said "...Oh!... ...my leg hurts!"


hknight said...

I can't get enough of the funny things that kids say. It's like, where on earth do they come up with some of this stuff! Also, they are little too smart for their own good sometimes!

The Carlson Chronicles said...

He is too funny! Isn't it amazing how their little minds work!? Love reading your updates!!

Sarah said...

Hey Lindy- David seems to be quite funny! You seem to be "blog savy" I can not get the background to change on my blog and I have tried for about an hour doing exactly (or so I think) what it is telling me to do...is there a trick to this??? I think I am going to pull my hair out (: Thanks in advance for any help. email is sarahqhill@hotmail.com

Lauren said...

That is so funny! He is such a character! Wonder if Emily will take after her brother??

The Jorgensen's said...

He's a smart one, that David!

Mel said...

you are so cute. your kids are hilarious. i love the getting to know you tags. i think they are the best.

Paul*Cat*Hallie*Ty said...

Lindy--Just thought I'd say a quick hello. I am Jason's grandma's (Virginia) niece. So that makes us second cousins. Crazy confusing I know! I visited with her earlier this month and she mentioned that your Emily was close to my daughter Hallie's age. Both your little ones are adorable, kids are so much fun!!!

Morgan Family said...

David is so smart and funny! I love hearing the things he says. Thanks for sharing about yourself as well. :)

The Jorgensen's said...

Hurry up and get home so we can play!!!